Creating an ILLiad Account for your Library
If your library does not participate in OCLC or DOCLINE, and you would like to borrow items from Fogler or Merrill Library, we can create or activate an ILLiad account for your library.
- Please send us an email with
- library name
- shipping address
- email address
- contact phone number
We will contact you with information about a username and password for your library.
Renewing items on your account
To place a renewal request for items currently checked out on your library's account:
- Log in to ILLiad
- Select the option "Shipped Items (Request Renewals)" from the left menu
- To request a renewal, click on the TN for the item
- Click on Renew Request
If there are not any holds on the item, you will receive an email with the new due date.
Problems accessing your account?
Troubleshooting access to your library's account
- The most common problem is attempting to log on to the ILLiad site for Fogler patrons.
- Be sure to use the site which has been set up for libraries: ILLiad
- If you have questions about the account name or password, please contact us.